ZICO collects and presents trace data from agents. New version brings:
- common list view for traces from all agents - with common filters;
- distributed traces - ability to bind individual traces from various application into one big call tree;
- deep search capabilities with full compressed index;
Note that at this point ZICO2 is developed and tested only on Linux/x64 platforms and JDK11.
Collector can work with two trace data stores:
- useful for quick development setup; collector stores some data in memory (and discards old data),when collector is restarted all collected data is lost;:elastic
- stores data in Elastic Server indexes;
Installing collector
Collector requires JDK11, so make sure it is installed before proceeding.
In order to install ZICO collector:
- install OpenJdk11;
- unpack zico2 binary distribution;
- check and fix
variable injvm.conf
; - (optional) examine and adjust
- main collector configuration; - start collector:
./zico.sh start
; - access collector UI:
Note that collector uses the same port as ZICO 1.x. When running both collectors on the same VM, listen port needs to be changed from 8640
to, for example 8641
ZICO configuration options
Main configuration file, zico.conf
uses EDN format and contains several keys that represent application subsystems. Note that most options have default values, so it is not required to have them all explicitly stated in configuration file.
HTTP service
ZICO uses ring-jetty
library, so standard ring settings can be used in :http
Default HTTP configuration:
:http {
:port 8640
:host ""
:http? true
:join? false,
:daemon? false
:min-threads 2
:max-threads 32
:max-queued-requests 256
:max-form-size 67108864
Interesting settings:
- listen address and port:http?
- enables or disables plain text HTTP interface (useful for simplified setups);:ssl?
- enables TLS and sets listen port for HTTPS;:keystore
- path and password to TLS keystore;:tls-ciphers
- limits ciphers and protocols used for communication;:min-threads
- sets limits for number of threads handling all incoming requests (incl. those from agents);
Only global log :main
is defined at the moment.
Default logging configuration:
:log {
:path "${zico.home}/log"
:dump false
:dump-path "${zico.home}/log/dump.log"
:mode :time-rolling
:max-history 7
:max-size 16777216
:current-fname "zico.log"
:history-fname "zico-%d{yyyy-M-dd-HH-mm}-%i.log.gz"
:console-pattern "%-12date{YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-5level - %msg%n"
:file-pattern "%-12date{YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-5level - %msg%n"
:file-level :debug
:console-level :debug
{:ROOT :debug
:org.eclipse :info}
Interesting settings:
- log directory;:dump
- enables dumps of all incoming agent traffic (raw data) and sets path to dump file; useful whensetting:mode
- log archiving mode (only:time-rolling
at the moment);:max-history
- maximum size of a single log file and number of archived files;:current-fname
- log file name patterns;:console-pattern
- log entry patterns (on console and in log file);:file-level
- log levels for file and console logs;:log-levels
- maps java packages / clojure namespaces to one of::trace
Authentication settings
There are two authentication modes at the moment: :none
and :http-basic
:auth {
:type :none
:users {
"admin" "zico"
"user" "SSHA512:iKMGE...2ky2PlToqtQ=="}
:admin-users #{"admin"}
Users database is stored in :users
map. OAuth/OIDC more and more secure password hashing for local passwords will be implemented in future iteration. Note that passwords can be hashed using salted SHA-512. In order to generate hash from password, run zico .jar with passwd
java -jar zico.jar passwd
Users with access to administrative APIs should have their logins added to :admin-users
Trace store configuration
Trace store configuration has following configuration:
:tstore {
:type :memory
:url ""
:username "zico"
:password "zico"
:trust-store "/path/to/truststore.jks"
:trust-store-pass "changeit"
:keystore "/path/to/keystore.jks"
:keystore-pass "changeit"
:timeout 60
:threads 16
:insecure? false
:memstore-size-max 768
:memstore-size-del 256
:name "ztrace"
:session-timeout 90
:index-size 16384
:number_of_shards 1
:number_of_replicas 0}
- trace store type, currently:memory
are possible;:url
- URL to elastic server;:trust-store
- trust store path and password for TLS connections between elastic and collector;:keystore
- key store path and password (for client authentication to elastic);:insecure?
- disables TLS certificate verification when connecting to elastic server;:name
- name prefix for indexes created in elastic server;:username
- for authentication in Elastic Server;:instance
- collector instance ID (should be unique for each collector connected to the same Elastic instance);:session-timeout
- timeout after which inactive sessions will be dropped;:index-size
- index size, above which rotation process will activate; note that there is some lag between exceedingsize and actual rotation, so resulting indexes might be a bit bigger (approx. 10-15%); collector will keep up to:index-count
- maximum size of memory store, amount of data to be removed when memory storesize is exceeded (applies to:memory
mode); in megabytes;:num-shard
- number of shards and replicas for elastic indexes (might be usable when in cluster);:threads
- number of threads handling elastic connections;
Filter definitions
In :filter-defs
it is possible to define attribute filters available under icons in right-upper screen corner:
[{:attr "component", :description "Component", :icon "awe/puzzle#light"}
{:attr "local.service", :description "Service", :icon "awe/cubes#light"}]
Each filter definition has :attr
which contains attribute name used in filtering, :description
and :icon
for defining user interface aspects of defined filter.
Trace types
This map contains settings that help in visualisation of various types of collected trace data. It is possible to select attribute to be displayed in main list, icon and component name that determines given trace type.
{:db {:component "db", :render :db.statement, :icon "awe/database#darkgreen"}
:http {:component "http", :render :http.url, :icon "awe/globe#steelblue"}
:amqp {:component "amqp", :render :call.method, :icon "awe/paper-plane-empty#darkred"}
:spring {:component "spring", :render :method, :icon "awe/leaf#darkgreen"}
:breaker {:component "breaker", :render :call.method, :icon "awe/flash#darkkhaki"}
:job {:component "job", :render :call.method, :icon "awe/clock#darkred"}
:jms {:component "jms", :render :call.method, :icon "awe/paper-plane-empty#darkkhaki"}
:ejb {:component "ejb", :render :call.method, :icon "awe/cube#steelblue"}}
Elastic Search
Securing ZICO with Elastic backend
Note that OSS version of Elastic server does not have any security features, so Elastic with at least BASIC license and X-Pack is required.
Enable X-Pack Security subsystem - edit config/elasticsearch.yml
file and add following setting:
xpack.security.enabled: true
Restart elastic server and set up passwords for system accounts:
bin/elasticsearch-setup-passwords interactive
Add role for ZICO collector:
curl -XPOST -u elastic 'localhost:9200/_security/role/zico_admin' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"cluster": [ "monitor" ],
"indices" : [
"names" : [ "zico*" ],
"privileges" : [ "all" ]
Add user for ZICO collector:
curl -XPOST -u elastic 'localhost:9200/_security/user/zico' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"password" : "zicoPassword",
"full_name" : "ZICO collector",
"email" : "zicoadmin@mycompany.com",
"roles" : [ "zico_admin" ]
Set username and password in zico.edn
file and restart collector.
Configuring TLS between Elastic and ZICO
In general, certificates should be generated in company trusted CA but for testing/development it is possible to generate self-signed certificate using openssl
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout localhost.key -out localhost.crt -days 365 -nodes -subj '/CN=localhost'
Create trust store for zico:
keytool -import -alias localhost -file localhost.crt -keystore localhost.jks -storepass changeit
In zico.edn
configure :trust-store*
and optionally :keystore*
Collector monitoring
ZICO collector exposes its internal metrics using Micrometer library. Monitoring settings are kept in :metrics
:metrics {
:type :prometheus
:prefix "zico"
:host ""
:index "zico_metrics"
:username "zico"
:password "zico"
:step 60
:threads 2
:conn-timeout 1
:read-timeout 1
:batch-size 10000}
- can be:prometheus
- name prefix for metrics exported to prometheus;:host
- address, index name and credentials to elastic server;:step
- tuning settings for elastic reporting;
Admin operations
Collector exposes some API operations for administrators.
When index attribute mapping overflow occurs in Elastic, collector will automatically rotate index. In such cases analyzing attribute names and transforming repeatable names into single one can be useful. In order to list all attributes from given index, call /api/admin/attrs/<n>
curl -s -u admin:zico -X GET http://localhost:8640/api/admin/attrs/2 | jq -r '.[]'
After determining repeatable names, attribute transform rules can be set in zico.edn
in :attr-transforms
section, for example:
:attr-transforms [
{:match "par__\\d+", :replace "par__nnn"}
{:match "cookiein__state-\\d+-\\d+", :replace "cookiein__state"}
{:match "(par__[a-z]+)_j_idt\\d+", :replace "$1"}]
This will replace all par_*
ending with one or more digits attributes to par_nnn
and all cookiein__state-123-456
to cookiein_state
. Regex groups can also be, so in third example par_abcd_j_idt123123
will be transformed to par_abcd
(replace abcd
with any sequence of lower-case letters).
It is also possible to manually rotate elastic index (when problem occurs) with use of /api/admin/rotate
curl -s -u admin:zico -X POST http://localhost:8640/api/admin/rotate
Securing agent-collector communications using TLS
Both agent and collector make it possible to encrypt communications using TLS.
Creating CA (optional)
Certificates can be issued by any CA supporting your system or by local CA. This section contains instructions for sample local CA setup:
openssl genrsa -out ca.key 4096
openssl req -new -x509 -key ca.key -subj '/CN=rootca.mycompany.com' -days 3650 -out ca.crt
echo 1000 > ca.srl
openssl x509 -outform der -in ca.crt -out ca.der
keytool -import -alias ca -keystore ca.jks -file ca.der -storepass changeit -noprompt
Configuring TLS: collector and agent
Web server certificate for ZICO collector is needed.
Creating web server certificate and private key:
openssl genrsa -out zico.mycompany.com.key 2048
openssl req -new -key zico.mycompany.com.key -subj '/CN=zico.mycompany.com' -out zico.mycompany.com.csr
openssl x509 -req -in zico.mycompany.com.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -days 365 -out zico.mycompany.com.crt
openssl pkcs12 -export -in zico.mycompany.com.crt -inkey zico.mycompany.com.key -name zico.mycompany.com -password pass:changeit -out zico.mycompany.com.p12
Configuring collector (zico.edn
:http {
:ssl? true
:http? false
:keystore "zico.mycompany.com.p12"
:keystore-type "pkcs12"
:key-password "changeit"
Configuring agent (zorka.properties
tracer.net.protocol = cbor
tracer.net.http.url = https://zico.mycompany.com:8643
tracer.net.http.truststore = /opt/myapp/zorka/ca.jks
tracer.net.http.truststore.pass = changeit